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Stop Watching Movies & Web Shows

Stop! Watching Movies & Web Shows | Because it is of no use in real life

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  • Post category:Others
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  • Post last modified:May 9, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The main motive of this post is to tell you that there is not any kind of reality in most movies & Web shows. When you watch such shows it badly affects your mindset, because most people think that it is also possible in reality but it is not so.

It was a time when we watch only one movie in a week but now we watch more than 7 or many more than that watch in a week. It is said that it affects our mind and that we see through our eyes so try to watch something good and real.

Now, some of you think that I am criticizing the movies or web shows but it is not so. I also watch it a lot and now I am telling it from my personal experience. Watching a lot to screen can be pleasurable and be a quick relief from stress but it also badly impacts our lifestyle & thinking ability.

Due to a lot of screens watching our eyes also become weak. More than 50% of people wear specs now. The old people can see the difference between the new and old lifestyles because they lived a life when nobody wears spectacles.

I think you are getting my point about where I am coming from. I am not telling you that stop watching completely, I know it is not possible to stop the habit of something. But you can change this habit slowly by shifting your attention to something important, enjoyable, & beneficial.

There is also another point that we are watching movies & web shows for entertainment but sometimes we are just watching without getting any entertainment. That free watching is waste of time. You do not even know how important your time is. Time is precious and can not be valued in terms of money.

In real life also there is no use in watching things nothing will change until you took an action.

I think that’s enough for this post or it kinda boring to read it without any purpose because it is also of no use.


Vinay Garg

(Disclaimer: Don’t get annoyed because it is my point of view)

Vinay Garg
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