How to Improve the Immunity of the body?

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  • Post last modified:January 29, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

In this Corona period, everybody has to improve his immunity. Immunity is the power everybody has to fight with Coronavirus. There are a lot of factors that help in improving immunity. Now the question arrives how to improve the immunity of the body?

Stress is the major point to discuss. Due to covid crisis everybody facing stress. For removing stress keep yourself busy with work or tasks. Put your mind to work, so you can overcome depression and stress. It affects our health both mental and body levels. You can search for ways to remove stress on Google.

The use of smartphones also weakens our immunity. Stop the excessive use of phones. We use our phones regularly around for 3 to 4 hours a day.

Our phone indirectly weakens our immune system, it affects our minds. One thing we can do. Stop using your phone for two days then you can see a major change in your health and immunity.

The 4g network system and now the testing of the 5g network also affect our body and mind. Use your phone when it is necessary. 

The easiest and safest ways to improve our immunity are indoor games, exercise, and eating homemade healthy green food. Keep your mind busy at work.

You can do little work in your house like help in the kitchen, clean your house, read books, meditate, set your future goals, upgrade your skills, etc. Try to avoid junk food to improve immunity. Go for a morning walk daily. 

Major of COVID patients are dying due to the low oxygen levels in their bodies. If you are healthy then go and check the oxygen level in your body.

Go and take the necessary steps for the fulfillment of oxygen levels in the body. Eat healthily and stay happy. Make your surroundings neat and clean, plant trees around you and try to lessen the level of pollution created by you.

If you want to improve your immunity, first you have to create your mindset. Free your mind from all negative thoughts and garbage(waste thoughts) that are filled in it.

Start concentrating and focusing on what you want to do. I know this is a tough period but there is no tomorrow better than today. So, be happy, stay healthy, and stay safe.

You should ask yourself a question how do they improve the immunity of the body?

if you don’t get your answer then let me know in the comment box.

Vinay Garg
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