Diwali – The Festival of Lights, Love, and Togetherness

Diwali is a widely celebrated Hindu festival celebrated by every Indian whether he/she is from any caste. On this day Shri Ram came home with Sita Mata and Laxhman from banishment or exile of 14 years. People lit Diyas and burn crackers.

Many other stories are related to this festival. I try to cover all the related stories in this article but first of all, I want to tell that when Diwali is celebrated. Diwali’s date changes every year due to the Hindu calendar.

One more thing that clear your mind from all thoughts and read it first then you feel good after reading it.

When is Diwali celebrated as per the Hindu calendar?

Diwali or Deepawali is celebrated every year on the Amavasya of Kartik month. It is the 15th day of Kartik month. It is as per the Hindu calendar and it may differ from the modern calendar because the Hindu calendar works differently than the modern calendar or Georgian calendar.

When Diwali is celebrated in 2023?

This year Diwali will be celebrated on 12 November 2023 on Sunday.

Now, I want to share some mythological or historical stories that are related to Diwali. Diwali festival is a medium to share happiness, joy, love, etc.

Stories Related To Diwali

There are several stories related to Diwali but we only talk about the popular and important ones. The main reason for Diwali is the return of Shri Ram along with Sita Mata, and Lakshman to Ayodhya.

Return of Shri Ram

Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated in India to commemorate this auspicious occasion of the return of Shri Ram to Ayodhya from Ravan’s Lanka. It took 20 days for Shri Ram to reach Ayodhya that why it is celebrated after 20 days of Vijay Dashmi or Dussehra.

It is believed that on this day, the people of Ayodhya welcomed Shri Ram, Mata Sita, and Lakshman with joy and gratitude, illuminating the city with Divas, lamps, and candles.

Shri Guru Hargobind’s Release from Prison (Bandi Chorh Diwas)

Shri Guru Hargobind was the sixth Sikh Guru, who had been imprisoned by the Mughal emperor Jahangir in the Gwalior fort for twelve years.

One day, the emperor decided to release the Guru, as he was impressed by his courage and wisdom. He also hoped to win the loyalty of the Sikhs, who were growing in number and influence.

He told the Guru that he could leave the fort, but only on one condition: he could take with him as many other prisoners as he could hold onto by their clothes.

The Guru agreed, but he had a clever plan in mind, He made a special garment or cloak with 52 hems attached to it.

He then wore the cloak and walked out of the prison, holding onto one tassel each with 52 other kings and princes, who had languished in the fort for years.

The Guru and his companions reached Amritsar on the day of Diwali, the festival of lights. The people of the city were overjoyed to see their beloved Guru back.

They lit up lamps and candles to welcome him and celebrate his freedom.

Return of Pandavas

Another mythological story associated with Diwali is the return of the Pandavas, the five brothers from the epic Mahabharata.

They had lost their kingdom and wealth to their cousins, the Kauravas, in a game of dice, and were forced to live in exile or banishment for 12 years.

After completing their exile, they returned to their city of Hastinapur on the day of Diwali.

The people welcomed them with joy and lit up Diyas to celebrate their coming.

Spiritual Awakening of Lord Mahavira

Lord Mahavira was the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism. He renounced his royal life and became an ascetic at the age of 30.

He practiced intense meditation and seriousness for 12 and a half years until he attained Kevala Jnana (omniscience). As per Jainism, it is the state of spiritual awareness or completeness.

He taught the principles of Ahimsa (non-violence), Anekantavada (many-sided reality), and Aparigraha (non-attachment). He attained nirvana (liberation) or Moksha at the age of 72 at Pavapuri which is situated in Bihar.

Jains celebrate Diwali to mark his spiritual awakening and his final sermon.

These are some stories that you may know or heard about. There are a few more stories also but these are the main ones.

The Importance of Laxmi Poojan

Laxmi Poojan is a ritual of worshipping Goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, on the occasion of Diwali.

By worshipping, one can gather the blessings of Laxmi and achieve success, happiness, and prosperity in abundance in life. People light lamps and candles to welcome Laxmi into their homes and offer her prayers, flowers, sweets, nuts, fruits, and coins.

It is believed that she removes all the obstacles and evil from us. Goddess Laxmi is worshiped along with Lord Ganesha.

In the end, I only want to wish you a very happy Diwali and may this Diwali brings happiness and joy to your life.

Vinay Garg
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